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Sunnyfields Primary School

Sunnyfields Primary School

''Respect, challenge, enquiring mind and confident''

YR4/5 - Panther

Panther Class - Year 4 and Year 5

Miss T Hoyland



PE Days

Our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on these days. Thank you. Year 5 children will be swimming on Mondays in the Spring Term, more information on this will follow.


Welcome to Panther Class!

Panther Class is a year 4 and 5 split class lead by myself (Miss Hoyland) and Mrs Oldfield. Mrs Butler will also be teaching on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. You can find our class in the 2 story block by the KS2 playground.

In Panther Class we are becoming more independent and responsible as we continue our KS2 journey. During Year 4 and 5 we will be learning about many exciting topic areas including WWII Evacuation, Rivers and Mountains and The Ancient Greek Olympics. These will be taught across many subject areas within the curriculum. In English we continue with our sentence stacking and experience days. In Maths we will be working on place value and shape space and measure skills as well as ensuring we are fluent in times tables facts.  

Homework will be given out on Fridays and is expected back on Tuesdays. Homework will link to the maths learning through the week and is important to help children become more responsible and prepare them for secondary school. I will also give weekly spellings for children to practise on Fridays.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can do this by catching me on the playground or sending a note in your child’s planner. I will then arrange any further meetings if needed. I am always happy to help!