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Sunnyfields Primary School

Sunnyfields Primary School

''Respect, challenge, enquiring mind and confident''

YR1/2 - Kangaroo

Kangaroo Class - Year 1 and Year 2
Miss Lumley



PE Days

Our class PE days will be Tuesday & Friday. Children will need to come wearing a suitable PE kit with any earrings removed. Thank you. 


About the Class

Kangaroo Class is located near the main entrance to school, just off the KS1 assembly hall. It is a mixed age class with both Year 1 and Year 2 children. This year we have 20 Year 1 children and 10 Year 2 children with us. Working in Kangaroo’s this year we have two teaching assistants.  Mrs Griffiths, who works with us all week and Mrs Spencer who works with us Wednesday to Friday.

We have lots of exciting activities planned for the new term! Our first topic is both history and geography based. The children will spend the first few weeks learning about the U.K and where they live before we move onto our history topic of the Great Fire of London. We will investigate why the fire started as well as looking at fire fighting equipment in the past.  Our art work will link to the historical theme as the children will learn to mix powder paint to create a fire scene as well as developing their sketching skills when drawing self portraits linked to our science work on the human body. In our English lessons we will be reading and writing about traditional tales to begin with before reading non-chronological books about the Great Fire of London. 


As well as our topics we will be working on maths lessons daily along with phonics, spelling, RE, ICT, PE and music.  Where possible we will try and link our topic to all our sessions. All the children will have access to continuous provision to enhance their learning experience and build on from their learning journey in Foundation Stage. 


Our garden area was transformed last year, so we will also be using this area to enhance our learning, so please send children with a coat or jacket to school each day. 


Maths tasks will be sent home weekly. The maths links to the area of learning we have been focusing on that week, but if the children are unsure how to complete their homework please speak to us at  home time. We do encourage the children to be independent and hand their homework into the homework tray as they come into the classroom. Please help us by reminding them to do this as they come into school. All children will also have a logon for Timetables Rockstars (Year 2) and Numbots (Year 1) which they can access at home for extra maths activities. Each child has a username that is placed in their planner. There is also the White Rose Maths App which they can use for free too. We encourage all children to learn their 2, 5 and 10 times table.


The children will all continue to bring home a reading book and we ask that you sign their planners to let us know if they have finished the book or what page they have read up to. We are keen to develop fluency so we like to encourage children to re-read their books before changing them. We ask that children read at home at least three times a week. All children will be heard 3 times a week in school as part of our Little Wandle reading sessions.  Year 2 children have the option to choose a chapter book also. 



Extra curricular activities will be sent out to parents in due course. 


Snack Time

If your child has milk through the ‘Cool Milk’ scheme then they will have this at playtime. Children can bring a water bottle to school and we kindly ask that it only contains water. In KS1 we have fruit for the children daily but they may bring a fruit snack from home should they wish.