YR3 - Leopard
Leopard Class - Miss Hoogwerf
Extra curricular activities will be sent out to parents in due course.
PE Days
Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on these days. Thank you.
Welcome to Leopard Class!
We are a group of Year 3 children with Miss Hoogwerf as our class teacher. Miss Roberts also works with Leopard class covering Miss Hoogwerf's PPA. The teaching assistant is Mrs Brown.
Izzy Independence is something we are really working on as we move into KS2 as children take on job roles within the classroom and take responsibility for their own learning, both inside and outside of school. Equally as important, we incorporate our other Sunny Six values of communication, creativity, resilience, teamwork and problem-solving into everything we do. Obviously, we also love having fun and doing exciting activities so that we can enjoy our time at school as much as possible.
Our Topic for Autumn 2 is 'What Makes Britain Great?' We will be looking at cities, counties and human and physical features in our country. We will also be doing some sewing in DT!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by writing a message in your child’s school planner!
Reading Books
We ask that you sign their planners to let us know if they have finished the book or what page they have read up to. We are keen to develop fluency so we like to encourage children to re-read their books before changing them. We ask that children read at least three times a week at home. All children have access to a reading for pleasure book alongside their banded reading book.