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Sunnyfields Primary School

Sunnyfields Primary School

''Respect, challenge, enquiring mind and confident''

SEND Information

To discuss any information with our SENCO, please contact the school office and ask for Miss Brownson (SENCO).

Doncaster has some great services, that can help families:


Doncaster SENDIAS

Doncaster SENDIAS provides information, advice and support (IAS) to parents, carers, children and young people in relation to Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability and related health and social care issues. Click here to visit their website


Doncaster City Council Local Offer

The Local Offer website is here to make it easier for you to find out about services and support available for children and young people, from birth to 25 years, with special educational needs and/or disabilities (known as SEND for short). Click here to visit their website


Together Information Exchange (TIE)

Together Information Exchange (TIE) is a voluntary register of children and young people 0-19 with disabilities in Doncaster. All local authorities are required by the Children Act 1989 to hold a register of disabled children and young people. Doncaster's register is administrated by Doncaster's Families Information Service. The information you provide is kept on a secure database and supports in planning for the future across all services that support families with disabilities. Click here to visit their website


Doncaster Parents Voice

Doncaster Parents Voice ( DPVoice ) is run by parents of children with a variety of additional needs, we exist to support families with disabled children whenever they need us. Click here to visit their website


Doncaster Autism Service

Doncaster Autism Service is a community organisation providing support to autistic children, young people and adults and their carers and families. Click here for more information